14 questions à Andy Payne, le CCO d’Interbrand


Interview à la rencontre de la publicité et du design.

À l’occasion des Cannes Lions 2017, j’ai eu l’occasion de rencontrer Andy Payne, le Global Chief Creative Officer d’Interbrand. Il est entré dans ce réseau de 21 agences de consulting dans 17 pays en 1994, nous avons donc échangé sur son parcours et sa vision du marché, à travers des questions plus ou moins sérieuses, dont certaines sont à retrouver ci-dessous, en vrac.

Cet échange fait partie d’une série d’interviews menées avec Sup de Pub, à retrouver en intégralité dans cet article : Cannes Lions – Interviews vidéo des pros de la com“.


14. Like A Girl or Fearless Girl?

Fearless Girl, because it is more on the positive. It pushes more the positive side of things than the negative one, so I think it’s better.”


13. Big networks or small independent agencies?

“I like big networks. I think you can get more done, for bigger clients, and have more of an impact on changing things. These benefits comes with scale, you can’t do this when you’re small.”


12. What is you favorite Cannes Lions category?

“I think Design, but it needs to change. The problem is that the Design category is changing, it is not enough about how it can change and improve the world, and maybe a bit too much about social responsibility work. So “normal design work” is not enough featured as it should be: just make our everyday life better.”


11. Photo exhibition or case studies exhibition?

“Case studies exhibition: I think storytelling is much better in case studies.”


10. Christmas ads or Super Bowl ads?

“I prefer Christmas ads, I think they are more emotional, more entertaining.”


“Andy Payne has worked on our most prestigious projects and has experience in a diverse range of industries.” Interbrand.


9. Client brief or the client presentation?

“I like the client presentation more, for me this is where you get the chance to really tell the story and bring all the connections together, between the business vision and the consumers on the market. This is the exciting part of things!”


8. Maurice Lévy or Martin Sorrell?

“I think Martin is a better spokesperson for creativity changing and the importance creativity as a part of business.”


7. Morning coffee afterwork beer?

“The morning coffee, because the cold light of the morning is often the moment where you see things you didn’t the night before…”


6. For a party at Interbrand, beer or champaign?

“Definitely champaign, it is more festive and much better for the weight line!”


5. 3 advices to students in advertising?

• To me, the first thing students should always remember during their career is a quote from Paul Arden (the Executive Creative Director of Saatchi & Saatchi for 14 years and author of several books on advertising and motivation): “It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want To Be”. I mean it’s not only about talent, it’s also about drive and ambition.

“The more driven you are, the further you will go.”

• Ideas are great but most of them fail because they are not activated properly. So yes, get the idea absolutely nailed, but don’t forget about the activation, because this is where the real change happen and where you need more of your energy. There is hundreds of ideas in the world, but there is not that many that make it trough…

• You can do a lot more with others, so don’t isolate your idea in your thinking: share it and celebrate it. Trust me, it will grow and get better. So don’t protect it and you will get the best of it.


4. Tell me about the day which changed your career…

“This is the day I left a small company, where I was working on retail, to move to Saatchi & Saatchi.”


3. If you were not working in advertising, what would you do?

“I think I would be an engineer or a product designer. I would build things that can change people’s everyday life.”


2. If you were not the CCO, which other job would you have at Interbrand ?

“I think I would be head of strategy.” “Maybe you will be Interbrand’s next Global CSO!” “Haha, maybe one day…”


1. To you Andy, Cannes is a concentration of… ?

“Cannes Lions is a concentration of the real and the unreal. When it is real, it can do amazing things. When its celebrates and brings together all the creative disciplines, I think there is a real chance to change the world for the better and this is what the Cannes Lions Festival is to me.”


Merci à Andy et Interbrand pour cette interview.

Vous aimerez également : Vidéos : les interviews des big boss aux Cannes Lions

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