Is ‘Living From Work’ the new ‘Working From Home’?

Zulu Alpha Kilo agency’s latest satirical film unfolds within a fictional creative agency, portraying a scenario where employees are required to be present in the office EVERY SINGLE DAY of the week. 

Companies are increasingly urging employees to return to the office, with nearly 90% implementing or planning a return-to-office policy, and ad agencies are no exception. Based in Toronto, Vancouver and New York, and still embracing a ‘hybrid’ working rhythm with its employees, Zulu Alpha Kilo Inc. pokes fun at this reality in their latest hilarious short film: ‘Living From Work’.


Despite initial resistance, employees embrace the perks of living from work, such as eliminating commutes, reducing grocery bills by raiding the boardroom for leftovers, and enjoying Christmas morning pitch sessions.

Zulu Alpha Kilo humorously lampoons the most outrageous return-to-office policy ever.

The agency also reduces its freelancer costs by exploiting the agency’s in-house talent: a mom does homework with her children, pressuring them to finish writing “20 TikTok scripts” and “15 banner ads” by end of day.

Zak Mroueh, the agency’s Founder and Creative Chairman, once again got behind the camera and both wrote and directed this year’s film, through the agency’s in-house production arm, Zulubot. Their videos are so satirical and hilarious that the Forbes  magazine has once likened the indie shop to the ‘Saturday Night Live of agencies.’

The video extends Zulu Alpha Kilo’s tradition to cleverly critique industry norms, and cements the agency’s reputation. It also transcends the ad business in making it relatable to all industries who are grappling with their hybrid model.




Watch their video from last year:

Learn more about it: This ad agency mocks agency people discussing case studies


CREDITS – Advertising Agency : Zulu Alpha Kilo Inc. Founder & Chief Creative Officer: Zak Mroueh. President & CEO: Mike Sutton. Art Director: Zak Mroueh. Designer: Dejan Djuric. Account Director: Alex Berube. Chief Strategy Officer: Maxine Thomas. Head of Strategy: Emily Garvey. Communications Director: Kelly Flynn. Production: Zulubot. Director: Zak Mroueh. Director of Photography: Adam Griffiths. Content Producer: Colleen Allen. Content Producer: Amy Groll. Post Production / VFX: Zulubot. Editor: Brian Noon. Artist: Felipe Chaparro. Artist: Can Yuksel. Motion Graphics: Miguel Natividad.

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